Your support to financial aid helps keep Carleton accessible to outstanding students from all economic backgrounds, from all around the world.

Supporting need-based aid

Carleton is committed to recruiting students based on their academic merit and their potential for success at the college rather than on their ability to pay. Once students are admitted, we meet 100 percent of their demonstrated financial need.

Financial aid is an expensive endeavor: 305 students in the Class of 2027 (that’s 56 percent) received more than $17 million in need-based Carleton grants; the average need-based grant was $55,873.

Opening Carleton to the world

Carleton is committed to educating students from around the world and has significantly increased the number of international students on campus, from 33 from 16 countries in fall 2000 to 250 international students from 56 countries in 2023-2024.

Many of these students receive support from scholarships dedicated to enriching the intercultural experience on campus.

See also: Naming Opportunities for endowed scholarships